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How to Know What Skin Type Do You Have: Know the Tell-Tale Signs

4 September 2023
How to Know What Skin Type Do You Have: Know the Tell-Tale Signs

Your skin type will determine your routine and products. So, before you curate a routine, you need to know the answer to this question, “what skin type do I have?”. How can you know what type your skin is? There exist several criteria to classify various types of skin, one primary mode of differentiation is how your skin reacts to the Sun. 

While reaction to the Sun depends on the physical, you can also consider chemical factors. For instance, you can determine skin type based on pH balance of skin. You will find that there are four major types of skin- normal. oily, dry, and combination.

Some tests and tips can help you to understand this “what skin type do I have” question. Such an approach will yield better results. You can tailor your routine to what your skin needs. 

Just like your skin is unique, your skin issues are unique, should not the solutions to them be also unique? Based on your skin’s characteristics, you need curated solutions that cater to specific needs of your skin.In this blog we will answer this question and how you can make a personalized skincare routine. 

what skin type do I have

Identifying Your Skin Type: Common Indicators

1. Oily Skin

Identifying oily skin is a little tricky. It does not always mean you have acne. However, there are a few tell-tale signs of oily skin. Let’s see what skin type do I have-

  • Shiny T-zone (your skin is producing more than the necessary sebum)
  • Pimples and blemishes on your forehead
  • Large pores
  • You use blotting sheets to combat the oiliness  

Excess sebum production makes your skin oily. Large and open pores allow oil to come to your skin surface making your skin feel greasy and oily. 

2. Dry Skin

What skin type do I have if my skin feels tight even though I have not washed my face? It is dry. Dryness can increase after you take a shower. Here are the signs you need to look out for to determine if you have dry skin or not-

  • Flakes and clay patches appear on your skin 
  • You need to apply body lotion once a day to stop your skin from feeling dry
  • If your skin feels rough and bumpy when you pat it with your hands then you have dry skin
  • Area around your nose tends to be crinkly
  • Pores can become clogged due to lack of moisture. It causes blackheads. 
  • For people who have extremely dry skin they might experience peeling, redness and scaling 
  • 3. Combination Skin 

Combination skin is a type where your skin has areas for oily and dry skin. If you notice at least two of the characteristics given below, it answers your question, “what skin type do I have?”:

  • You have an oily T-zone while the rest of your face is dry
  • If your T-zone is shiny with flakiness or edges around your jawline then it is combination skin as well. 
  • You have to blot your face with powder to get rid of the oiliness
  • Oil accumulates in nose and forehead while chin, cheeks and under-eye areas stay dry

Paying attention to all these factors, you can easily determine your skin type. However, to know what skin type do I have, you need to adopt proper methods. There are a few methods that can easily tell you your skin type. Find out what these methods are below. 

Easy Methods to Identify What Skin Type Do You Have 

Here are two easy tests by which you can identify your skin type easily .

1. Tissue Test/ Blotting Paper Test

This is perhaps the easiest how to know your skin type method. Take a sheet of blotting paper or tissue. Gently pat it on your face. Next, hold it against the light. If you see no patches, then you have dry skin. 

If you see patches in an area where your T-zone was, then you have a combination or normal skin. Lastly, if the whole tissue is oily, then you have an oily skin. Use this method today to know what skin type do I have. 

2. Observing Your Pores: A Visual Clue

Look out for these signs the next time you need to know what skin type do I have. Large clogged pores means that your skin is oily. If you have large pores around your nasal area then your skin type is a combination.  

Once you have the answer to the question, “what skin type do I have?”, you can make a skincare routine that addresses the specific problems of each of these skin types. 

Adapting Your Skincare Routine: Embrace Your Skin Type

Oily Skincare Routine

While genetics, climate and hormonal changes might make your skin extremely oily, you can curb its effects. Following a simple routine will help you to combat excess sebum. 

  • Moisturize Regularly
  • It keeps your skin hydrated and stops excess sebum production. Use a lightweight, gel moisturizer like Helmish Watermelon Gel Cream.

  • Wash Your Face Twice a Day
  • This helps get rid of dirt and germs that might block your pores. Don't wash too much though, or you'll lose important oils from your skin. This could lead to sensitive skin and more oil.

  • Stop Touching Your Face
  • Try not to touch your face too often. If your skin is oily, having pimples now and then is normal. But don't pop them – it can make things worse by spreading the problem.

    what skin type do I have

    Don'ts of Oily Skin

    Steer clear of these blunders to maintain a balanced oily skin routine. Do not do these when you find the answer to “what skin type do I have” is oily skin:..  

    • Avoid Over-Cleansing- It just makes your skin dry, itchy, and more likely to break out. 
    • Don't Use Too Many Products When it comes to picking skin care stuff for oily skin, less is better. Using too many products with lots of different things can confuse your skin.

    Dry Skincare Routine

    Give your dry skin its adequate moisture and oil. This type of skin is vulnerable to weather changes. So, you need to adapt a routine that tends to the needs of your dry skin. 

    • Moisturize Your Skin Regularly- Always moisturize your skin, especially after a bath. Bathing and too much heat and weather can strip natural oils off your skin. Restore them with a thick and nourishing moisturizer.  
    • Wear Lip balm- Moisturizing should also extend to lips. They are the thinnest layer of skin on your body. Applying moisturizer keeps them from getting cracked. 
    • Don’t Spend Too Much Time in Shower- Take shorter showers, not more than twice daily. Long, hot showers strip your skin off its natural oils, leaving it extremely dry and itchy. Don't scrub while bathing or drying. Use sunscreen regardless of what skin type do I have. 

    Combination Skincare Routine

    While answering this question of “what skin type do I have?”, for combination skin, your focus must shift to hydration for oily areas and moisturization for your dry patches. 

    1. Opt for Gentle Cleansers

    For combination skin, the pores in your T-zone are larger, making harsh products risky. Prioritize using mild cleansers to prevent pore clogging.

    2. Exfoliate With Care

    Daily exfoliation isn't for any skin type as it can strip essential oils. When exfoliating, be gentle on your T-zone; harsh scrubbing can harm your skin.

    3. Embrace Sunscreen

    Sunscreen is a must in skincare. If you have combination skin, pick an oil-free sunscreen for protection.

    4. Maintain Dual Skincare Routines

    Products suitable for dry skin might be harsh on oily areas. Establish separate regimens for your T-zone and the rest of your face. For instance, use distinct  moisturizers—a richer one for cheeks and a lightweight, oil-free version for your T-zone.

    Don'ts of Combination Skin

    Since there are oily and dry patches on your skin, you need a balanced approach if you have combination skin. 

  • Avoid Products with Fragrance
  • Fragrance can trigger rashes and irritation in some skin, while harsh chemicals like alcohol or scent can inflame both dry and oily skin. Combining these factors, oiliness may escalate in certain areas, leading to breakouts, while dry patches may worsen.

  • Heavy Moisturizers
  • They can block your pores and cause blackheads and acne. Avoid oil moisturizers.

  • Using Comedogenic Products
  • Always avoid cosmetics that can potentially clog your pores. Here is a list of non-comedogenic brands-HaruHaru Wonder Wonder Black Rice Hyaluronic Cream and COSRX Snail Cream.

    FAQs:How to Know What Skin Type Do You Have: Know the Tell-Tale Signs

    What are different skin types, and which one do I have?

    Understanding what skin type do I have involves identifying whether you have oily, dry, combination, sensitive, or normal skin. The signs and characteristics of each type can help you determine your skin type.

    Do I have oily skin?

    Learning about the signs, such as enlarged pores and frequent breakouts. There is excess sebum, leading to a shiny appearance and acne on this type of skin. 

    What characterizes combination skin, and how can I balance its different needs?

    Combination skin features a mix of different skin types in different areas of your face. This can be challenging to manage, but identifying signs like an oily T-zone and drier cheeks can guide you in selecting products that address them.

    How can I tell if I have dry skin?

    The tell-tale signs are tight, flaky epidermis that has redness or irritation. Adopt appropriate skincare habits like using hydrating products and avoiding harsh cleansers.

    Is it possible to have sensitive skin, and what steps should I take to prevent irritations?

    Sensitive skin is prone to react negatively to various skincare products or environmental factors. Recognizing what skin type do I have, such as frequent redness or itching, can help you choose gentle, fragrance-free products.


    Discovering your skin type is crucial for crafting an effective skincare routine. Recognize the signs to identify what skin type do I have Tailoring your regimen to your skin's specific needs ensures optimal results. With proper methods like the tissue test or observing your pores and products from The Bubblewrap, you can determine your skin type and adapt your routine accordingly.

    what skin type do I have

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